Monday, December 10, 2012

Discover SCUBA again. February 20, 2011

Steve and I didn't have time to get our Open Water Certification before going to our friends' wedding in Ixtapa, so we signed up for another Discover SCUBA when we were there. We weren't going to miss out on diving! We were staying at the Barcelo in Ixtapa and used the resort dive shop again, Ixtapa Aqua Paradise.

We did the video and pool lesson at 5pm on Saturday, Feb. 19th. Then did the two tank dive on Sunday, Feb. 20th from 9am to 1pm. They drove us to Zihuatenejo bay and we dove two sites:
Dive 1 was Manzanillo, average depth 38', bottom 45'. 10 lbs, 3mm long suit.
Dive 2 was Caleta del Chon, 40' average, bottom 45'.
About 35 min each. Saw seahorses and a cool pufferfish the guide held gently so we could stroke his back. Don't know if this is a good idea, but we were surprised that it felt rubbery instead of spiky.

The water was very murky at the top with viz of about 3'. We followed a rope down to where the viz cleared to about 5m. We purchased the photos taken during the dive. There was another couple with us, including the wife who was finishing her OW certification, so we watched as she did a few navigation exercises.

Firsts: 1st seahorse! 1st 2 tank dive.

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